
r2-pay: whitebox (part 2)

This second blog post explains how to recover the whitebox's key from the obfuscated library

r2-pay: anti-debug, anti-root & anti-frida (part 1)

This first blog post describes the protections in the challenge r2-pay.

A Glimpse Into Tencent's Legu Packer

Analysis of Tencent Legu: a packer for Android applications.

Android Native Library Analysis with QBDI

This blog post deals with QBDI and how it can be used to reverse an Android JNI library

Android crackme challenge

Android crackme that uses system's internals

Android OAT formats

Internal structures of OAT format

Android VDEX formats

Internal structures of VDEX format

How to use frida on a non-rooted device

This post explains how to use Frida gadget on a non-rooted device.